

Well it appears I am not great at the whole blog thing! 

I am currently still at home recovering from complications I suffered with after catching Covid in January. 

The most recent complication is problems with my heart rate and pulse/oxygen levels. I am no longer able to drink caffeine and the second my body feels tired I am falling asleep, I have blood tests coming up and hopefully a final diagnosis of where we go next. 

I ordered a 'Bed of Nails' mat and pillow a while back and have been using that most evenings before bed. I can't tell you how amazing it is. At first it felt very strange and uncomfortable but after a few minutes the relief from the pain in lungs was delightful. It also helps me to fall into a deep sleep almost immediately because I can't feel the pain. Honestly, a great purchase!

I won't lie, I've been a bit of a misery recently, fed up of not being able to see friends and family because I'm too tired, the guilt of not being able to work is eating me up and the fear of being moaned about at work is really stressing me out, but I know I can't do anything to change that. 

I am so very grateful to my friends who have been messaging and checking up on me, when you are feeling this isolated it really does mean the world to get a text. My Mom has been amazing as always and even Mark has been 'alright' typical man though!! 

Hopeful for some better news next week 

C x

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